Me or Something Like It

musings, opinions, sarcasm

Friday, July 31, 2009

good morning...

check it out! isn't that a pretty group of fabrics!!! i hope i win!!!

these are some fabrics that i could not resist at the quilt show on sunday... i'd love to make a drunkard's path wallhanging with them.... lot's to do today... sewing the girls' christmas quilts together and errands... i'm dreading leaving the house though due to lobster festival mayhem in town... wish me luck for the giveaway and the errands! i'll need it!!!

click, bye

Thursday, July 30, 2009

doll quilts turned little throws...

well, i've been working on my quilts for the girls... i thought at first that they would be quilte small, even doll-sized... but i had enough of my two main fabrics to make them quite a bit bigger than doll quilts! so, i will have to rework my borders and backing and such, but i think the girls will be happier with quilts they can wrap themselves up in... as of now, they are still in pieces, but here is a pic i took of my work in progress... they are both at the same point in production, so i only took a pic of one of them... i think i like it and i'm quite sure the girls will like them... i believe i wanted to have the bright batiks and both doll quilts (i'm still calling it that since they have dolls on them) by tomorrow night... i can still make it... except maybe the borders... i haven't worked that bit out yet... anyway, happily sewing away my summer days...

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Tuesday, July 28, 2009

bright batiks is done!!!

well, the top is anyway... here is a pic!

i also included one with the girls... they helped make sure all the pieces were in the right spot!

and one of a few of my trusty quilting supplies... my cool woolen pin cushion from karen, a dingleberry, scissors, and a large mug of coffee...

i'm glad to be done with the bright batiks top... it took a long time and those half-square triangles were driving me a bit wacky...

moving on...

click, bye

Sunday, July 26, 2009

quilt show 2009

i went alone and had a lovely time... i did not stay long, as i had no friend to make comments to... i was able to find a black batik that i think works great, but now i am up to my eyeballs in half-square triangles again... i would love to have this quilt top pieced this week... and i still need to get to marina and cadence's... i bought some beautiful fabric that i will post pics of later, but for now... here are a few of my favorites from the show today....

Saturday, July 25, 2009

looks like i'm going alone...

well, i did put away all the laundry... it took from 8am until past noon... then the girls and i had lunch and went to amy's for the afternoon for a playdate!!! then we came home and had dinner... marina and i did some picking up and organizing in the arena, but it needs a lot more work... also, i didn't get to the girls' quilts at all...

it looks like i'm going alone to the quilt show tomorrow... i asked a bunch of friends and everyone was already busy or too far away... jeff is driving home tonight just so i can go, and so i don't feel right making him accompany me... he will go if i really want him to, but i don't think i'll play that card... not only that, i'm not sure if i will even have a babysitter anyway... i'm nervous about driving out there alone, but i know i'll be fine... i'll go by myself, do my own thing, and then come home... i'll let you know how it goes!

i included a pic from last year's camp reunion... i'm looking forward to the 2nd annual camp reunion on the 22nd... we had a great time last year and this year will have even more people... can't wait!!!
click, bye...

Friday, July 24, 2009

here's hoping...

well, i don't think marina and cadence's christmas quilt tops will be done by tomorrow night... i sort of have plans to put away laundry and clean up the arena (my sewing room/ weight room/ playroom/ storage area)... if i'm lucky i will have a chance to start them, but who knows... the other two projects will take a LONG TIME!!! i am, however, done with as much piecing as possible on the bright batiks quilt top... so, i'm doing well on that one... i just have to find that perfect black batik at the quilt show.... also, i'm hoping that tab will still be accompanying me to the quilt show on sunday... she and curtis have some family stuff going on, so i understand if she decides not to go, but then i have to figure out someone else to come with me! i won't go alone, and i won't not go, so that leaves me finding someone else at the last minute, but, who wouldn't want to go??? i mean, besides jeff, who went with me to a quilt show before in nh and he really liked it... but he has said that he doesn't want to go... i'll figure something out... hmmm, i don't think i'll bother uploading my newest pic of the bright batiks... the color is not great, so... here is a pic of a quilt show...

click, bye

Thursday, July 23, 2009

another wonderful day!!!

here are a few pics of me snuggling with my girls to start another wonderful day!!! the girls are now at lisa's and i can sew all day if i want to!!! or i suppose i could do more laundry, more dishes, and more cleaning... we'll see how the day goes... i am a bit tired of making half-square triangles already! i'd like to have as much of this quilt done by sunday as possible... still hoping to find the perfect black batik at the quilt show!

as far as marina and cadence's christmas quilt, well, it is still in the planning stages... i almost feel like i am in a slump since i was able to finish like 6 quilt tops in 2 weeks, but then i remember that most of them were already at least partially pieced... and when my sewing machine started acting up, i needed to take a break anyway... i'm still working hard and sewing a lot... i'm happy...
click, bye!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

today is the day...

these two pics were taken during our picnic/outing to marshall point lighthouse yesterday... despite the rain we had a very nice day! (the girls picked their own outfits!!!)

today is the day that i, well, um... do some stuff... not sure what yet... i have cleaning, laundry, and dishes to do... i've completed cutting my batiks for my bright batik quilt... well, i think i have anyway... still won't piece it until after sunday... hopefully i find that perfect black batik to complete the project...
i should get to work on the girls' christmas paperdoll quilts, but i think i better clean first... the house is showing signs of neglect due to excessive and obsessive sewing!!!
click, bye!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

updates and deadlines...

i wanted a post a few more pics of my batiks where the color is more "true"... they are very bright... i've cut about 30 of them (and need 10+ more)... the challenge now will be setting them up in a way that i find pleasing...
i've also "fussy-cut" out several paperdolls for marina and cadence's christmas quilts... still not sure about a pattern/set-up for the fabrics... i've given my sewing machine a break for a few days... i hope (although, i don't expect) that the beeping has stopped... keep everything crossed for me...
i did not finish rereading 1984 yet, but i am in the throws of it, so it won't be long... i'll keep you posted...
click, bye

Monday, July 20, 2009

blessedly lucky...

a conversation with an old friend on saturday reminded me that i have been blessed in my circumstances all my life... disregarding a few little things here and there, i've always had a wonderful, supportive, loving family, great opportunities, loyal friends, and a comfortable life. i am eternally thankful and joyful... that being said, one of the things i am thankful for and joyful about is summer vacation!!! i've been able to do a ton of sewing so far and plan to continue the trend... i took sunday "off" for the most part, just enjoying some relaxation with my family...

i did begin cutting the pieces for my bright batiks quilt... i'm going to put a deadline of next friday (oh my gosh, that will be july 31st already!!!) on that project, mostly because i'm still not entirely happy with my black batik and thought i might find something better at the quilt show in augusta this coming weekend... also, i'd like to have a plan in place today for marina and cadence's doll quilts for christmas... i'll give myself a 'this saturday' deadline on those...

aren't those girls so adorable??? they are paperdolls from the 1890's - 1900's from what i understand... my girls love playing with paperdolls especially when grandmummy comes over... very sweet.

click, bye

Saturday, July 18, 2009

mermaid wall hanging/ lap quilt for a midget...

the top is finished for the mermaid quilt... i'm happy to be done with it... and happy with how it came out... here is a pic...
i guess i need a new deadline... not sure what is on the agenda next... i'll think about it in the morning... goodnight...
click, bye

more progress...

well, the one block wonder is done with borders... i'm very happy with it and surprised at how big it turned out!!! i think in the end, it turned out quite lovely... it will be awhile before it gets quilted...

i'm now working on my mermaid wallhanging/throw (not sure how big it will end up)... it has been on a mini design wall for about 14 months... so, today, i am putting it together... here is a pic of it on the wall... maybe i'll have another update later...

click, bye

Friday, July 17, 2009

one block wonder...

well, i've been working on piecing my one block wonder today... mostly because i need my design wall for my bright batiks quilt... besides, it has been hanging there for a long time... i still have three borders to add, maybe tonight, maybe not... i also want to finish up my small mermaid wallhanging (or throw) because that has been in progress for about a year...

jeff is in ny for the weekend... i should get a lot done...
this quilt is giving me some trouble... it is "ruffly"... probably because the fabric is super thin and EVERYTHING is cut on the bias... i hope it will be ok... "it will quilt out..."
click, bye

Thursday, July 16, 2009


i have finally finished piecing the top of the honeycomb quilt!!!! i have been working on it for more than 2 years, i think.... i have the back all ready, but i won't be quilting it for a while... for now i am just happy that the top is pieced and the back is ready to go... here is a pic!!!

i like how the border came out with the blocks "tumbling off" the edges... very happy with it...

now, before i begin another sewing project... i think i better clean the house!!!!

click, bye!!!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

updated deadlines...

finish piecing kristin's quilt top today...
borders on honeycomb quilt by tomorrow...
decide on next quilting project tomorrow as well...
finish reading 1984 by sunday night...
i'll keep you posted...
click, bye

harry potter and kristin's quilt...

ok, so, i went to see harry potter at midnight... and i was disappointed... i had just finished rereading the book, so obvioulsy my expectations were high... they left out a ton (i know they have to in order to fit it into 2 and a half hours) but so many important things were left out... and they added a random scene... left out most of the end fight... it was butchered... i'm glad i went and i will see it again... and i imagine it was quite good for anyone who has no interest in the books... ok, i've said my piece... moving on...

kristin's quilt is almost done... here are the most recent pics...
the top will be done today... and then i will work on my borders for the honeycomb quilt... and then who knows.... big difference from the fabric in the previous post, eh? click, bye

Monday, July 13, 2009

another day of sewing...

today i am working on my friend kristin's quilt... i'm not 100% sure i love the pattern for the fabrics i have, but i think she will like the end result... i can't make it too big either... i'm somewhat limited... but hopefully i will be able to post an update pic soon... (crap, just remembered that my camera's battery died again... so, it might be a few days!!!)... kristin should be coming to visit on august 22 for my second annual camp reunion, so, i probably will quilt it myself... and after the baby quilt fiasco, i think i've learned some valuable lessons and might be able to do it... i'll keep you posted...
click, bye

Saturday, July 11, 2009


i was able to salvage and complete the crib quilt!!! i ended up seam ripping all afternoon yesterday to at least save the backing and batting, but the quilt top was ok, so i fixed it!!! here it is with the crib, ready to be passed on to the next family member who is starting a family...

i also have here an updated pic of kathy's country churning diamonds... the top is pieced and trimmed... since this pic was taken, i took out most of the "ruffles" around the edges... there isn't anything else i can do until i have the money to get it quilted...
next order of business: decide on a quilt pattern for kristin's quilt, and i think i have decided...
man, deadlines work great for me... so, here is another one: i will have kristin's quilt peiced (and photographed and posted) by next saturday... hold me to it...
click, bye

Friday, July 10, 2009

so far...

it has been a most unproductive day!! oh well, all the kids are happy and busy... the house is a mess... the laundry needs doing... and overall, it has been a long and busy week... jeff is going to ny this weekend, so i will have a lot of down time...
the pic is from the last time we drove through vermont... stopped at denny's to have lunch with jaime... it was great fun!!! so good to see jaime again!!!!!!!
ok, i'm off... i'll be back when i have something productive to report... until then,
click, bye!

Thursday, July 09, 2009

so, my bubble has burst...

i ruined the baby quilt today by trying to quilt it on my little machine... argh! i never really loved it anyway, so i will begin it again... in a few days... my back has been aching from all the hours i have put in at the sewing machine... so, i picked up harry potter 6 again to read before the movie comes out next week... i'll give myself a new deadline... finish the book and piece the top for the crib quilt for next tuesday... i'm pretty depressed about the whole thing... i'll keep you posted...
click, bye

Wednesday, July 08, 2009

well, words be marked!

aunt kathy's quilt top is pieced!! i am putting a deadline of tomorrow on the crib tomorrow night i should be hand stitching the binding!!! and then, on to kristin's quilt... then maybe the border on the honeycomb, but that is planning pretty far in advance for me... i'll keep you posted!!!
click, bye

Tuesday, July 07, 2009

my goal for today...

well, since my deadlines are going so well, i was able to cut and peice about half of aunt kathy's quilt yesterday!!! i made 96 half-square triangles! ugh!!! anyway, now the blocks need to be finished up and maybe i will have a picture by evening... i have a few extra kids here today, so i might not get it all done, but on the other hand they are totally keeping my girls busy, so i might get it done even more quickly!!! stay tuned for pics and updates!
click, bye!

update... all the blocks are pieced, just not sewn together yet... here is a pic...

it is evening now and america's got talent is on at 9... i likely will not get anymore sewing done tonight, but this top will be completed tomorrow... mark my words!!! and then i will finish the crib quilt... and then, well, i have to pick a pattern for kristin's quilt....

click, bye

Monday, July 06, 2009

here i am again...

this is a blossom from my double petalled hybiscus... just lovely... i nursed that plant for 4 years... when i first received it as a gift from my mom, it nearly died... lost all of its leaves and i had to cut it back to nearly nothing... but i kept it and finally this year, i have been greatly rewarded... it flowers all the time, sometimes multiple large flowers... it is beautiful...

i wasn't kidding when i said deadlines work for me... the crib quilt top is pieced and it isn't even 10am on monday morning!!! i'll have to go out later to get batting, so there is no more i can do on it now... if i could find my camera i would take a pic to post... hmmm, first i think i'll find some breakfast and then begin on aunt kathy's quilt top... i'll post pics later...
click, bye!

*update - Marina found the camera... here is the completed top for the crib quilt...

it is very simple and quite small, but i think it is just right for its intended crib... after i have it quilted and bound, i will post a pic of it with the crib... looking forward to having it completed...

Sunday, July 05, 2009

ok, since deadlines work for me...

i will have my crib quilt top peiced by tuesday night (it is sunday evening)...
i will have aunt kathy's quilt top peiced by the following tuesday night...

these are my current deadlines... i will post a pic of the crib quilt top by wednesday morning... i will post aunt kathy's top by the following wednesday...

if, by some miracle, i am ahead of schedule, i will work on piecing kristin's quilt top next... still working on the pattern though...

wish me luck...
click, bye

Saturday, July 04, 2009

deadlines work for me...

which is why summer is not terribly productive for me... i have a few deadlines set... a birthday, a reunion, stuff like that... but, i need more motivation... i am trying to get the arena (sewing room/work-out room/ playroom) cleaned up so i can sew more efficiently... but it is taking forever... my stash of scraps is fighting me ever step of the way... it is so difficult for me to throw fabric away, even scraps as small as 1 inch by 1 inch get kept!!! so, i struggle...
there is a quilt show in augusta in a few weeks... tab and i are planning to go... very excited about that...
ok, for now, my deadline is 1:30... i want to work for the next 2 hours in the arena and have a space i can work in... then i have family bbq and a sleepover with my friend amy!!! that will be fun! happy fourth of july!!!!!
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