Me or Something Like It

musings, opinions, sarcasm

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Another Storm is Brewing

Well, I am home sick today, and it looks like another storm is heading our way for Thursday night and Friday... my newest semester quilt is done, and I can't wait to put it up! Special thanks to Karen for finishing it up for me!!!

I love this picture done by Gustav Klimt,"The Kiss". Very cool! Ok, enough playing around, I have some resting to get to.

click, bye

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Doing a snow dance

Well, I'm doing a snow dance tonight... I need a day off... Jeff was just stuck in new york for the past few days with the stomache flu... and i am exhausted and stressed and way behind at work... bring on the snow day....

click, bye

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

P.S. The Superbowl Sucked

And so did the Pats game against Indy. Dammit. And now the season is over and we have to wait for months again before the season starts again... And so I will leave you with a few pics of my boys... Enjoy!

click, bye

Who's a Doodlebutt? Who's a Doodlebutt?

Well, I have strep throat again, and we brought Bruschi to the humane society (Sunday late afternoon). She was already adopted by noon today (Tuesday). I was just too stressed and we were not able to give her the attention she needed. I have been very sick. But I am on antibiotics and hopefully will be back at school soon. I am thrilled to death that Gilmore Girls is on tonight and can't wait to see this episode! I'm all a-tingle. I am also so looking forward to the last Harry Potter book coming out on July 21st. I will be one of those obsessed fans waiting outside the store when it opens (or even one of the midnight marauders)! My IQ on Tickle was 135; that is 6 points higher than Jeff's! Yay!

click, bye