Me or Something Like It

musings, opinions, sarcasm

Sunday, May 31, 2009

rail fence and beyond...

i am up to 30 blocks for my crib quilt now... not sure if i will stop there... i added some pinks to even out the colors a bit... i still need to add some purple... and i need to collect the full names and birth dates of all the babies that have slept in the crib... that is all for tonight... it has been a very busy weekend... i accomplished a lot and have a ton left to do, alas, i must go to bed... goodnight.
click, bye

Saturday, May 30, 2009

me again...

well, i actually did some sewing... 55 minutes worth to be exact... i was able to complete 18 blocks for my "heirloom" crib quilt...

clearly, this is not the final layout... i'm not sure i like it yet... but maybe when i have more variety... any comments???

click, bye...

staying motivated...

that is the big challenge... i have been slacking on my blog for ages and so i am trying to get back on track... this weekend is so chock full of work and visiting and events... it is making me a bit crazy!!!

my garden is probably completely washed out... it has been raining for 4 days straight... ever since i planted it... keep your fingers crossed that something survives!!!

ok, so far, i haven't even touched a piece of fabric yet this weekend... tomorrow is totally booked and today is pretty much too... i just can't figure out how to get everything done that i want to get done... maybe if i didn't sleep at all.... maybe then... i just can't wait until summer... but then the apathy hits... gotta stay motivated... that is my new mantra... maybe some goals for myself...

*sew for at least 30 minutes everyday (most likely this will turn into several hours a day, but i have to get myself in front of the machine first)...
*put laundry away before beginning a new load...
*read at least 1 book a week for school (including planning and collecting materials- next year i have classes i have never taught before)
*declutter and thoroughly clean at least one room each week...

for inspiration i am including a few pics of fabric i have for various projects...

the blues and browns for kristin...

asian fabrics for something or other....

just a few of the 1930's fabrics for the heirloom baby crib quilt...

the bright batiks for a lovely quilt for me!!!

ok, let the creating begin... wish me luck!

click, bye...

Friday, May 29, 2009

designing a quilt studio...

the next order of business... designing (and implementing) a quilt studio... jeff and i are saving up to finish the "arena" and make it a family room/quilt studio... it should be big enough for both... i hope to have a long arm quilting machine sometime in the next decade so, i'd like to figure out a floor plan that i like as well as some sort of organizational scheme to implement... our friend curtis will be helping us (i hope) make it all come to fruition... this is what i want:

a large countertop that can be used for cutting, ironing, and sewing...
blocky shelves for fabric organization
smaller units (possibly cd holders) for smaller cuts of fabric (fat quarters and whatnot)
a way to hang quilts that are either ready to quilt or already quilted...
a thread spool holder...
a permanent design wall...
storage area for batting/extra supplies...
a long arm quilting machine!!!!

click, bye...

update and motivation...

well, well, well, if it isn't me... it has been a while and i need to get back on track... i have so many projects to complete this summer... i figure i can sort of keep my self motivated by posting what i am working on and what progress i've made... so, this is a list of the current projects i have in the works or on the drawing board.... here goes:

*a crib quilt to pass along with the bassinet that grandpa made (1930's fabric in a railfence pattern perhaps? i already have the fabric and backing...)

*a quilt for aunt kathy's birthday (aug. 1st) no fabric or pattern yet, but she likes country colors and traditional quilt patterns...

*a quilt for my friend kristin.... she is redoing her bedroom in blues and browns (a personal fave of mine) and she says, "bring on the funk!"... i have fabric but not sure of a pattern yet....

*a quilt for me made from bright batiks.... can't remember the name of the pattern, but i have all the fabric... lots of half square triangles...

*the honeycomb.... i have to add the borders and make my binding before i can have it quilted... but i finally have all the fabric, even the backing for that one!!!

*a one block wonder is on my design wall now... i have to finish piecing the top and add borders... that one is for me, so there is no rush, other than needed my design wall for other projects...
i also have fabric for an attic window and an asian quilt that are for me (i guess) but i haven't gotten around to...

*i just finished a snail trail for me.... i am so greedy with my quilts!!! i just love them!!!

so, that is what i have planned as far as quilting this summer... i also have planted a garden, bigger and a bit more adventurous than the last one i had... unfortunately, it has been pouring ever since i planted it 3 days ago.... so, hopefully, they don't drown and rot.... ugh!
i'm looking forward to a productive weekend and a speedy next three weeks... and then, summer!!!!

click, bye...