Me or Something Like It

musings, opinions, sarcasm

Saturday, May 30, 2009

staying motivated...

that is the big challenge... i have been slacking on my blog for ages and so i am trying to get back on track... this weekend is so chock full of work and visiting and events... it is making me a bit crazy!!!

my garden is probably completely washed out... it has been raining for 4 days straight... ever since i planted it... keep your fingers crossed that something survives!!!

ok, so far, i haven't even touched a piece of fabric yet this weekend... tomorrow is totally booked and today is pretty much too... i just can't figure out how to get everything done that i want to get done... maybe if i didn't sleep at all.... maybe then... i just can't wait until summer... but then the apathy hits... gotta stay motivated... that is my new mantra... maybe some goals for myself...

*sew for at least 30 minutes everyday (most likely this will turn into several hours a day, but i have to get myself in front of the machine first)...
*put laundry away before beginning a new load...
*read at least 1 book a week for school (including planning and collecting materials- next year i have classes i have never taught before)
*declutter and thoroughly clean at least one room each week...

for inspiration i am including a few pics of fabric i have for various projects...

the blues and browns for kristin...

asian fabrics for something or other....

just a few of the 1930's fabrics for the heirloom baby crib quilt...

the bright batiks for a lovely quilt for me!!!

ok, let the creating begin... wish me luck!

click, bye...


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