Me or Something Like It

musings, opinions, sarcasm

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

eatin' turkey stew

well, i'm eating turkey stew and it is great! and i didn't have to make it... things are so super crazy for my poor fam right now... the hubby has been working from 9am until 8 or 9 pm and will be for the next few days too... i am working overnight tonight, tomorrow, and the next night.... the floors are still not done, no furniture for the living room yet and bad weather on the way to complicate our renovation/construction... i was able to get the first coat of paint on the downstairs hallway and put most of the face plates back on... i also put up some of the curtains, made a ton of phone calls, ordered the new ceramic top stove, picked out ceramic tiles for the entry way, went to the bank and made a few more trips from the apartment to the house and started cleaning.... the kids are being really great about mostly being cooped up in the rooms downstairs, but i want them to be able to explore their new house.... i cannot wait to be settled... this weekend jeff (the hubby) is busy all day saturday, but i think i can get some stuff done.... by then the computer and cable will be up and running and i'll have 3 days (pretty much) to work diligently on my projects....

in other news, i bought an orchid finally... i have been wanting one for many long times and today i took the plunge... it is so beautiful... it has many blossoms and looks so healthy... also it has another stem growing and that will also blossom... i'll take a pic of it and post it (if i ever find the time....) also, i bought a second of my other favorite plant, the hindu rope (hoya carnoso compacta) and a tiny silver-nerved fittonia... my new house if more full of plants than furniture... hmm, if i only had a couch to sit on to enjoy my lovely plants....

i suppose i should do some work.

Monday, November 28, 2005

organizing my thoughts-checking it twice

well, i can't believe it is only 2:33am, i feel like i have been at work tonight for a month ("i spent a month there one night" as quoted about Brooklyn, NY in the wonderful movie, Newsies)... so, i wanted to gather my thoughts a bit... here is my list.
wallpaper borders still to strip-
downstairs bathroom (maybe 20 minutes)
master bedroom

painting still to do-
finish coat 2 kitchen (10 minutes to complete - tops)
coat 2 entry way
repaint stairway (hubby painted the wrong color, so actually he is doing the repaint)
coats 1 and 2 Marina's room
coats 1 and 2 Cadence's room
coats 1 and 2 downstairs hallway
possible coats 1 and 2 in master bedroom
prime and paint laundry room

put face plates back on
put up curtains
put together furniture
clean, clean, clean
go shopping...

hmm, that turned out to be a longer list than i wanted....
oy, i'm tired just thinking about it.
i have a feeling that list will be a lot shorter tomorrow... i know noone really cares about my silly crap, but just the same, i'll keep you posted!
paint on.

camping out

well, we moved in this weekend, sort of... most of our stuff is in the new house with the exception of some plants and other small stuff... but it is mostly in the spare room at the new house since the new floors are not yet completed... the hubby is extremely on edge about the whole thing... the girls are staying with us in the master bedroom and they can't really go anywhere else.... we have a whole house and we are living in mostly just one room of it. everything is in boxes and bags and the next few months are going to be crazy... i wish i had some time to really organize but i will just have to take baby steps and try to get it together...
i also have a cold.
more in a few days.

Friday, November 25, 2005

moving, moving, and moving

well, here i am again... at work at 5:55am needing a little bit of human connection and so i reach out to YOU... very exciting, huh? so, this weekend we are moving. we are moving, moving, moving.... (god willing).

i have had a fantastic night at work... no clients, so i slept (ahem-don't tell my boss) for like 6 hours, and then paid all of our bills online... now, i am just killing time... oh, and i am totally getting paid "holiday pay" for this! and the night before was pretty much the same... (except that i watched "face eating tumor" on tlc at 2am...) i would recommend it to all of you (except the weak-stomached people and the weak-hearted or the easily disappointed or over-emotional)... actually, i only recommend it if you are interested in medical oddities and miracles like me....

back to moving, if the floors get finished today, and although that is a big if, i am still hopeful, then we move everything in this weekend... if the floors are not finished it looks like we need to move everything in anyway because the hubby is busy ALL DAY monday, tuesday, and wednesday... and we need to be out by wednesday and have cleaned and all.... also, i have to work on sunday overnight and tuesday overnight, making me pretty much useless monday and wednesday, since there is no chance of me having two more easy overnights like this until the apocolypse....

i guess i need to drive to augusta again today for more supplies, i hope the roads aren't too bad. i'll keep you updated...

Thursday, November 24, 2005

nick and jessica

i just read that Nick and Jessica have officially split. i know that i am the queerbee of all queerbees but i am totally bummed... i'm not sure why i care, but i always really hoped they would make it.... i know, i know the rumors have been all-encompasing for months but still i hoped.... oh well, another dream dashed on the shores of stardom.... ok, i'm over it.

moving on, they starting laying the floors yesterday and they are so makes all the difference to have brand new gorgeous floors in that space... i am so thrilled with the effect... a lot of the painting is done and i believe we will be moving in this weekend, which is a little sooner than we planned which is fantastic! once we are really in there i will be able to get a lot more done..

oh, more later, i am getting replaced.... happy thanksgiving

Monday, November 21, 2005

i'm a dork

i just wrote that last post with a subject that referred to something i didn't even end up writing about.... and i still don't feel like writing about it, so, i'll just leave you wondering.

k, bye

fill in the blank

so, the greatest thing happened to me the other day. i received a damaged piece of mail. it was so damaged that it was placed in a little plastic bag that said something on it about how bad the post office sucked and how they were sorry that they sucked so hard or loud or something.... anyway, the damaged piece of mail was from the POST OFFICE and it was warning me of a forthcoming SURVEY to be filled out to let them know how they are doing with our mail. the survey also came that day. so, i threw the whole lot in the trash and laughed about how ironic it all was. i should have stapled the mangled post card to the survey and just written "what do you think?". alas, another chance to stick it to the man missed due to extreme laziness.

update on the house: completed--first coat of paint in dining room, living room, hallway, and stairway (first coat still needed in entry way and kitchen-also, both girls rooms and the downstairs hallway, although those do not have to be done before the floors are installed on the 28th, but it would be nice)... the hubby had to do some pretty fancy aerobatics in order to reach some high places while painting (good times)... i have recruited a bunch of people to help with painting on Tuesday and Wednesday, so I think we can really bang it out... the paint color for the main living area of the house reminds me of coffee just the way i like it, extra extra light, extra extra sweet.... mmmm.....

also, flooring materials bought and are aclimating to their new environment.... they are pretty, "tuscan cherry" which goes well with the natural red wood that is all through the house... i am so excited!!!! we will be moving in over the next week... the construction is going well and should be done in one and a half to two weeks...

over and out.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

performance adjustment

well, i apologise to those of you who have already heard this rant, but for those of you who haven't, i hope you enjoy it... i just spent the past two days in a training mandated by my agency.... we spent the first day talking about relationships, the crisis cycle, and conflict resolution... all topics covered in, oh, i don't know, kindergarten... so far, pretty typical to every other agency mandated training ever attended since the beginning of time... no problem, but today, we did the "technical" part... just to give you an idea of how this was going to go, the instructor asked me what i would do if someone came at me with a knife. the proud little budding martial artist in me knows what to do, so i said i would stab him with it... when he told me i would have a short career, i answered, but i'll be alive to get a new job.... he wanted me to say run, which is all fine and dandy if you have somewhere to run to (if say, you aren't cornered) or if you have a chance of outrunning this nut with the knife (and your legs aren't 1 and a half inches long each-like mine)....

they taught us some grab defenses (mostly silly silly defenses) all based on the never stated, but clearly understood basis that it is more important to keep the client safe than yourself. they taught us a defense for a hair pull, this one was my favorite! if someone grabs your hair, you anchor their hand to your head (so far, this makes sense) but after you anchor it, you wait until they get

wait for it

wait for it

TIRED and then you pull your hair out of their hand "strand by strand if you have to"....

what? i'm sure i didn't hear that correctly, you mean i wait for them to get, what, tired? and then pull my hair out of their hand strand by strand? are you kidding??? no, you're serious? what?

and they made us gallop around the room to show that we could stay in our "stance"... oh the humiliation! and we had to take 7 tests (covering literally about 400 pages of material that we barely skimmed) and we had to get 100% on all the tests to pass.... this would have been a daunting task if we hadn't read the tests out loud together and decided on all the answers together, and if we hadn't just taken a pre-test 5 seconds earlierwith the book (and again with each other's help and input) and all the questions were exactly the same.... despite all that, one kid still got answers wrong and when we corrected them (yes, like in grade school when you correct your buddy's test) we were supposed to correct the answer and then initial it. these corrected and initalled answers were called...... you guessed it....

PERFORMANCE ADJUSTMENTS and still counted as 100%!

i'm starting to think that this may have been a waste of my time... what do you think?

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

can't wait to get settled

so, i can't wait to get settled, to have a place for all my things, and get rid of the boxes that are everywhere.... i can't wait to have furniture that isn't all left over from college! or handed down when other people moved or passed away... i can't wait to have a closet so big that the whole family could sleep in there!!!

they started construction today! after tonight i have almost a whole week off... we get our washing machine tomorrow... things are moving forward so quickly, i can hardly keep up... i am still having such a hard time believing this is all happening.... tomorrow will be a big day for us...

i'm overwhelmed with the details of my life right now and have nothing new to say at this time.... maybe later when i am done banging my head against the desk at work at around 4:45am, i'll be able to write about mashed potatoes or scrambled eggs..... mmmm, bacon

Monday, November 14, 2005

as random as i want to be

well, my lovely friend tarah has reminded me of the unusual phenomenon of the ass-print.... why is the ass-print so much bigger than we imagine our asses to be??? (as if we're not imagining them to be large enough, right? as if we need the visual of our ass at its widest with about 9 inches of extra width for each cheek!) does anyone else notice the phenom of the larger-than-life ass-in-the-grass or ass-in-the-chair print??? hopefully, everyone else is too concerned with the size of their own ass-print to notice how huge ours are!

please leave feedback!

Saturday, November 12, 2005

what's cool got to do (got to do) with it?

eh, who wants to be cool anyway? cool is so not fun. i'd much rather be a dweebie or nerdbomber. there is just so little to worry about when you're a dorkus maximus.

moving on, today we start moving boxes and i continue to work my butt off removing the most hideous wallpaper borders ever. the house looks 100% worse than it did before i got in there and started ripping it up. when it is painted and floored i will be a happy dweebie...

i am so psyched for the next harry potter movie.... i very rarely go out, (who has time or a babysitter) but i might have to make an exception this time... can't wait!

so, i am a closet celeb gossip hound. i know it is silly, but i can't get enough... i really like jessica simpson (and nick)... she is beautiful and has a great voice and is as dumb as she wants to be.... i hope the tabloids are just making up crazy stories to sell their mags.... they seemed so real in newlyweds and i'd like to think they can make it... it is nice to think that celebs might actually have to work for something like the rest of us... i would like to see more stories about successful marriages amongst the rich and famous, although i know that isn't as exciting and newsworthy as lives getting ripped apart and celebutaunte fueds.... eh, what are you going to do?


so, we finally did it, we bought a house! now we move into a period of crazy cleaning, packing, stripping, painting, flooring, renovating, and moving... and we just came through the period of crazy meetings with bankers, brokers, realtors, the fire cheif, the code enforcer, the architect, the general contractor, the appraiser, the insurance people, and basically everyone else who could have either made us or broken us along the way...

you'd think with my two babies (1 and 3 and a half) and my husband, and my full-time awake-overnight job, and running a business that i wouldn't really have time to redo a house, reorganize our lives, and move. thank god it is just across town and not to another state or country... i'm up for it. i'm young, right? i mean 90 is the new 76 after all. which makes 27 the new 13 which makes perfect sense since i have yet to feel like an adult in my life. i've been married for 4+ years and still always feel like i am just playing house. maybe owning a home will start to change that. we will finally be settled in a place. even though we lived in our last place since before we were married, it always felt just like a resting place along the way.

does anyone else still feel like a kid out there? i'd love to hear your theories about this phenomenon.

actually i have been feeling a little more like an adult lately (and it isn't due to finacial security or domestic skills or having two kids)... it is due to wearing heels. seriously, it is amazing what wearing a nice pair of sexy heels can do to a woman... it makes you feel taller (i'm 5 foot on a low-gravity day) and thinner (i won't say how much i weigh, but thinner is usually good) and more confident. it gives you a sway in your step and a presence for whatever reason. i've been wearing broken, beaten up birkenstocks for as long as i can remember and this heels thing, is so much better, not as comfortable, but better just the same...

drop a comment...
