Me or Something Like It

musings, opinions, sarcasm

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

can't wait to get settled

so, i can't wait to get settled, to have a place for all my things, and get rid of the boxes that are everywhere.... i can't wait to have furniture that isn't all left over from college! or handed down when other people moved or passed away... i can't wait to have a closet so big that the whole family could sleep in there!!!

they started construction today! after tonight i have almost a whole week off... we get our washing machine tomorrow... things are moving forward so quickly, i can hardly keep up... i am still having such a hard time believing this is all happening.... tomorrow will be a big day for us...

i'm overwhelmed with the details of my life right now and have nothing new to say at this time.... maybe later when i am done banging my head against the desk at work at around 4:45am, i'll be able to write about mashed potatoes or scrambled eggs..... mmmm, bacon


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