Me or Something Like It

musings, opinions, sarcasm

Saturday, November 12, 2005


so, we finally did it, we bought a house! now we move into a period of crazy cleaning, packing, stripping, painting, flooring, renovating, and moving... and we just came through the period of crazy meetings with bankers, brokers, realtors, the fire cheif, the code enforcer, the architect, the general contractor, the appraiser, the insurance people, and basically everyone else who could have either made us or broken us along the way...

you'd think with my two babies (1 and 3 and a half) and my husband, and my full-time awake-overnight job, and running a business that i wouldn't really have time to redo a house, reorganize our lives, and move. thank god it is just across town and not to another state or country... i'm up for it. i'm young, right? i mean 90 is the new 76 after all. which makes 27 the new 13 which makes perfect sense since i have yet to feel like an adult in my life. i've been married for 4+ years and still always feel like i am just playing house. maybe owning a home will start to change that. we will finally be settled in a place. even though we lived in our last place since before we were married, it always felt just like a resting place along the way.

does anyone else still feel like a kid out there? i'd love to hear your theories about this phenomenon.

actually i have been feeling a little more like an adult lately (and it isn't due to finacial security or domestic skills or having two kids)... it is due to wearing heels. seriously, it is amazing what wearing a nice pair of sexy heels can do to a woman... it makes you feel taller (i'm 5 foot on a low-gravity day) and thinner (i won't say how much i weigh, but thinner is usually good) and more confident. it gives you a sway in your step and a presence for whatever reason. i've been wearing broken, beaten up birkenstocks for as long as i can remember and this heels thing, is so much better, not as comfortable, but better just the same...

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