Me or Something Like It

musings, opinions, sarcasm

Sunday, October 29, 2006

longest day of my life

hello, we turned the clocks back last night and today has lasted forever... it is only 8 and i have wanted to go to bed for hours!!! we started talking about putting the kids to bed at 5! well, i guess it is good since i can go to bed early tonight.... it has been dark for like 5 hours already (i know that can't be, but it seems like it).. and the pats didn't even play today, they play tomorrow night.... i got a ton done today... the hubby and i cleaned for a few hours this morning, and i went to school and did about 4 hours of work... then while we watched the games i did laundry... and the bathrooms, at least partly.... so, it has been a great weekend... i am looking forward to next weekend already though, is that bad??? oh, and halloween is tuesday... hmmm, gotta get some candy and some costumes.... lots to do tomorrow....

click, bye


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