Me or Something Like It

musings, opinions, sarcasm

Saturday, November 07, 2009

here is a sneak peak of the first quilt that my new quilting friend Kathleen is quilting for me! it is the one block wonder that I worked on last summer.... it looks like it is coming out lovely and i love the inspired idea of using the soft pink for the quilting!!! it looks so pretty even from this small section... Kathleen is offering a half-price deal for quilting from her blog... i posted the link to her offer in my title... i also sent her the honeycomb (can't wait to have that finished) and the bright batiks quilt that i worked on last summer.... so excited to get them back and finish them off.... anyway, it is the weekend and i have a million things to do.... need to get motivated.... i should begin my Christmas stuff soon!!!!! like a few months ago!!!! wish me luck!

click, bye
